The Doors or passages of access in the enclosure

The pagan wall is an enclosure of almost 14 km length delimiting a surface of several hectares. It was necessary well that for of construction even if one doesn't know with when that goes up, the builders envisaged accesses. Certain doors are visible others had to disappear during ages by natural deterioration and specially. That related to the human activity. Thus is completed that the Roman way coming from Ottrott had to a hypothetic door giving access the enclosure, but there remains about it no tangible trace at the theatrical place.
On the still visible doors one can observe 3 types of passages:

- In fact broad doors could let pass from the carriages. They were closed by leaves out of wooden swivelling in cavities called bearings. The access in the enclosure even was done only after passage in a kind of corridor of a few meters. The door of Elsberg is a perfect example, the door of Barr show the same characteristics. Lastly, on the allow passage not outside the enclosure like the two others, but the passage between two camps trough a partition wall the Eyer's door

- Door of the narrow type. It's the case of the Koeberlé door. It leaves the passage only to one we must also follow a kind of corridor. This door was also condemned by, undoubtedly, a door drink some coming to rest against a cut amount.

- The door passages which are only natural openings in the enclosure as for Felsentor. There were of them perhaps others which unfortunately disappeared with whole sides from wall or which still romaine to be discovered.